Slow Flow

A softer practice with more input and time spent in each asana (posture). Mindfully flowing through each asana allowing more time for you to stretch into your body, soothe your joints and unblock trapped energy. This class is great if you a looking for a slower/ deeper practice and a great entry point for 1st time yogis!

Flow & Restore

 An ‘Open Flow’ class to include a variety of sequenced postures slowly warming the body and working up to a peak to activate your energy flow, generating heat and increasing circulation.
The class ends mindfully into a restorative warm down allowing your muscles to heal using seated/ lying postures for a more calming way to float into a restful evening. Please bring a bolster or reserve.

Gentle Flow

 A softer practice with more input and time spent in each asana (posture). Mindfully flowing through each asana allowing more time for you to stretch into your body, soothe your joints and unblock trapped energy. This class is great if you a looking for a slower/ deeper practice and a great entry point for 1st time yogis!

Power Flow

A fitness-based vinyasa practice. This class has many qualities and benefits, including building internal heat, increased stamina, strength, and flexibility, as well as stress reduction. A great way to start the week and explore you asana potential!

Gentle/ Beginners

A softer practice with more input and time spent in each asana (posture). Mindfully flowing through each asana allowing more time for you to stretch into your body, soothe your joints and unblock trapped energy. This class is great if you a looking for a slower/ deeper practice and a great entry point for 1st time yogis!

Power Flow

 A fitness-based vinyasa practice. This class has many qualities and benefits, including building internal heat, increased stamina, strength, and flexibility, as well as stress reduction.A great way to start the week and explore you asana potential